
VIDEO: General Brian Peddle’s Easter Message

In this video reflection, General Brian Peddle reflects on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made and considers its impact on everyone.

In this video reflection, which is written to work alongside his written Easter message, General Brian Peddle reflects on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made and considers its impact on everyone. The message was written and recorded before the scale of the coronavirus pandemic became apparent, but its message about the sacrifice in the service of others is increasingly relevant.

You are encouraged to share the video through your local social media accounts – including corps/centre and personal accounts – and to encourage Salvationists and friends to reflect on the General’s important message. As many meetings have to go online, this could prove to be a valuable resource.

Subtitles are available in a number of languages, to make the message shareable with an even greater number of people.

God bless you as you celebrate again the resurrection of our Saviour and reflect on his sacrifice.

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