In The Love of Jesus

10 Ways to Engage with the Bible this Year

Many people create goals or resolutions for their spiritual life at the beginning of a new year. If you have a goal for deepening your engagement with the Bible, here are 10 practices that might help: by Lt. Colonel Lesa Davis
bible study illustration

Make a realistic commitment. A lot of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions for one simple reason – they are unrealistic. “I’m going to read the Bible for an hour a day at 5:00 AM” might be a good goal for some people, but it could be completely unrealistic for you. Think about a normal day in your life. Is there space that you could reserve for some quiet time with God? Commit to that time, however long it is, and set a reminder on your phone to help you remember.

Explore different ways of reading. Some people like sitting quietly with a Bible on their lap. Some people like to read the text out loud to help them focus. If reading is hard for you or you just prefer audiobooks, download a Bible app and listen while you take a walk. The right way is the way that works for you!

Read, study and share with others. Join a Bible study group at your corps. You might be amazed at the insights you have when you hear yourself sharing them with others.

Pray it back. When you come across something meaningful, don’t be afraid to stop and focus on just that insight for a while. Your Bible reading isn’t a race to the finish line; it’s a stroll with someone you love. Take your time. Think of your reading as a dialogue. Turn your thoughts and questions into prayers. 

Memorize it. Keep a small notebook or a few index cards handy. When a verse really stands out to you, write it down. Carry it with you, repeat it to yourself. Let it sink into your heart and mind over time.

Write it out. Choose a passage, chapter or book of the Bible and write it out for yourself. Whether you use a fancy journal or a cheap composition book, the simple act of writing will force you to slow down, pay more attention, and think about what you’re reading. 

Journal it. If you like to capture your thoughts on paper, make Bible journaling part of your quiet time. Write down your thoughts and reflections as they happen so you can explore them later in prayer. Your journaling doesn’t have to be long – jot a quick note, maybe even in the margin of your paper Bible. Don’t be afraid to write down your questions too!

Use a daily devotional or Bible reading plan. If you’ve always used the same devotional material, maybe it’s time to try a different author or book. Or maybe this is the year to read through the Bible chronologically with an online plan. Do a little research to find the book or plan that is perfect for you this year.

Dig a little deeper. Go beyond just reading and do some Bible study. Use a study Bible with built-in notes or an app to understand more about what you’re reading. Apps and websites like Bible Gateway or Blue Letter Bible offer plenty of free resources to help you understand the background and context of your reading.

Get creative. Pull out some colored pencils or markers to make your reading and journaling colorful. If you think writing in a journal is boring, try drawing instead. If you love calligraphy or hand lettering, pick a favorite verse and create some beautiful art with it. Even if you never show your art to anyone else, it’s a great way to respond to scripture.

In the Love of Jesus Series

Happy New Year from The War Cry! The publications team has been praying, planning and working to make 2025 a great year for our readers. We are delighted to introduce a year-long feature series, “In the Love of Jesus,” focusing on the doctrines of The Salvation Army with a fresh emphasis on how we can best live out our core beliefs in everyday life.

The doctrines summarize the gospel, the good news of who God is and how He saves us. Join us this year as we reflect upon all God has promised us “in the love of Jesus.”

This article was published in the January 2024 issue of The War Cry. | Illustration by Matt Chinworth

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