A Prayer for Fresh Energy & Creativity
Be courageous and obedient to His leading!
Creator God,
You created this universe from nothing, fitting together all of its growing, self-renewing details in absolute perfection.
You anticipated that we humans would sin and separate ourselves from you so, in Jesus, you created the perfect solution for the mess we made, and in Him we become new creations.
Made in your image, we too love to create. To think new thoughts, dream new possibilities and bring them into existence, to compose new songs, write new poems and create solutions to problems that we or others make.
We also, though, have a tendency to settle comfortably into what is familiar, and put limits on the new things you may desire to accomplish in your world through us.
Give your leaders, and through them your Army, renewed energy we pray.
Release fresh desire to see new possibilities become realities, courage to empower those who may think or do things differently and willingness to encourage whatever it takes to ‘save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity’.
Father of all creativity, send your Spirit of freedom and break us out of what is to what could be for the sake of bringing Jesus to those who need to know Him.
“Then God looked over everything He had made, and He saw that it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31
“Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
2 Corinthians 3:17b
Over the coming week, ask God to reveal any area of your life where He may wish to speak or do something new in or through you.
Read more: Praying for Leaders: Focused Prayer for Those Leading Our Church