
10 Questions With Captain Terry Masango

10 Questions With Captain Terry Masango

"I am passionate about proclaiming the good news of Christ. I’m passionate about reaching the lost, through many forms."

10 Questions with Leora Conway-Moreno

10 Questions with Leora Conway-Moreno

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

10 Questions with Dr. Dale Bannon

10 Questions with Dr. Dale Bannon

"We need to be adaptable and use technology to its greatest benefit."

10 Questions with Joey Zumaya

10 Questions with Joey Zumaya

Corps. Community. Career.

Who Was the Neighbor? (Luke 10)

Who Was the Neighbor? (Luke 10)

"We often find ourselves coming to Jesus looking for justification, not conviction."

Continued Obedient Faith

Continued Obedient Faith

"True obedience is instead based on a personal, intimate, living and growing love relationship with God."
